Webinar: Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Challenges w/ Jeremy Duncan

On Thursday, December 28th, 2017 we discussed Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Challenges with Jeremy Duncan of Tachyon Dynamics.

On Thursday, December 28th, 2017 we discussed Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Challenges with Jeremy Duncan of Tachyon Dynamics.

Mult-Factor Authentication (MFA) comes in many different types and flavors. Because of this, there is a lot of misinformation about what forms constitute MFA, and how to implement a robust and secure implementation that must include the CIA principles: confidentiality, integrity, availability, and non-repudiation. The goal of this webinar is to give the audience a proper understanding of what MFA is, and how to properly and securely implement it in their networks.

Jeremy Duncan – Managing Partner and IPv6 Architect 
Jeremy has spent over 15 years working in enterprise IT doing next generation technology deployments like IPv6, advanced networking, and open source solutions. He participates regularly with the North American IPv6 Task Force; often speaking at the North American IPv6 Summits each year. Jeremy spent 11 years in the U.S Marine Corps deploying to Iraq twice during Operation Iraqi Freedom 1 and 2 as a Communications and Information Systems Officer. Jeremy has worked in the DoD with a wide range of information security, network engineering, and network architecture experiences with the Pentagon JSP, DISA, DLA, JITC, DTRA, and DTIC. He currently leads up Tachyon Dynamics’ DoD UC APL and IPv6 training and engineering portfolios. He has a Masters of Science in Information Systems and is married with two wonderful children.

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