Pentesting with BeEF and Social Engineering Techniques w/ Juan Araya

Pentesting with BeEF and Social Engineering Techniques w/ Juan Araya

Join us on February 25th, 2021 at 11:30 EST as Juan Araya shares valuable tips about these techniques and tools based on his years of experience.

Want to learn more about social engineering, the Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF), and how to use them to perform penetration testing (#pentesting)… we have you covered!

Juan Araya is a pentester and cloud security specialist with 19 years of experience in IT and 9 years leading cybersecurity projects and teams. He is from Costa Rica and relocated to Spain in 2019. He has participated as a speaker in multiple cybersecurity conferences around the world including BSides Panama 2020, Openexpo Europa 2020, Syberxchange Canada 2020, and Def-Con Romania 2020.

Juan Araya

Cloud Security Architect

This session will be recorded and a copy of the video will be posted on this page as well as on our YouTube Channel.

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