Dissecting PDF Files to Malware Analysis

Join us on Thursday, October 1st, 2020 at 11:30 as Filipi Pires discusses concepts, tools, and the first techniques to analyze, investigate and hunt malware’s.

In this presentation, Filipi Pires will introduce attendees to the basics of malware analysis. Attendees will learn to perform analysis static and dynamic with a focus in PDF structure, executing this in real samples. Throughout this conversation, the attendees will learn some techniques used by the attackers to compromise and persist on the system. During our speech, Filipi also demonstrates how to integrate the malware analysis using sandbox techniques (dynamic analysis) to automate the analysis of malicious code.

Filipi works as a Research and Cyber ​​Security Manager at Zup Innovation and Global Research Manager at Hacker Security. He has presented at Security events in Germany, Poland, Hungary, and Brazil, served as University Professor in Undergraduate / MBA courses at colleges such as FIAP / Mackenzie / UNIBTA and UNICIV.  In addition, He is also the Founder and Instructor of the Course – Malware Analysis – Fundamentals.

Filipi Pires

Research and Cybersecurity Manager

This session will be recorded and a copy of the video will be posted on this page as well as on our YouTube Channel.

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