Cyber Threat Hunting: Identify and Hunt Down Intruders

Join us on Thursday, November 5th, 2020 at 11:30 AM EST as Filipi Pires discusses how to implement defensive security analysis with an offensive mindset.

In this presentation, we will talk about how we can build a new predictive approach, explaining the process of proactively and iteratively searching through networks to detect and isolate advanced threats that evade existing security solutions. We’ll also discuss how to implement defensive security analysis with an offensive mindset. Additionally, we’ll describe how to use Indicators of Compromise (IOC) and Indicators of Attack (IOA) strategies, and we’ll talk more deeply about Tools, Tactics, and Procedures (TTP), producing a new hypothesis, in addition to working proactively to combat cyber attacks.

Filipi Pires works as Research and Cyber ​​Security Manager at Zup Innovation and Global Research Manager at Hacker Security. He has spoken at Security events in Germany, Poland, Hungary, and Brazil, served as University Professor in Undergraduate / MBA courses at colleges as FIAP / Mackenzie / UNIBTA and UNICIV. Also, He’s the Founder and Instructor of the Course – Malware Analysis – Fundamentals (HackerSec Company – Online Course – Portuguese Language).

Filipi Pires

Research and Cybersecurity Manager

This session will be recorded and a copy of the video will be posted on this page as well as on our YouTube Channel.

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